
Monday, February 16, 2009

Hey There,

Hey there, it's been a while. I have been so busy, but since I'm back I thought I would give my blog a little make over.
I tried changing my background yesterday, and found out this morning that it wasn't working. So I have spent the last hour or so trying to fix it, and I think I've finally got it. Now I just need to keep up the posting. What discipline it takes. Although I guess most things in our lives do.
We have been on the run for almost a week strait now. Before that there was a lot of sickness in our home. I am so ready for things to just slow down!
I was once very much into living a simple life, at home. Now I seem to be living an insanely busy one everywhere else. This is going to change! I am not giving myself a choice :O (Now we will have to see if I can stick with that)
There has been so much going on in my life, physically, with getting sick. Spiritually, oh boy that is a whole post to itself. Even my marriage and life as a mother seem to have changed so much in the last few months.
I have also started a group with my dear friend for mothers who have lost babies through miscarriage and still birth. Although not much has happened with it yet, just the planning to get it off the ground was much more on me emotionally than I thought it would be.
Again I need to run, I have a list to get done. Hopefully having my home in order will give me more time to simply be, but it takes work to get it that way. So soon I will return, until then, pray, live, and love.......

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