
Thursday, January 21, 2010

An ER Visit, A Shocked Doc, and A plan

Well, I took myself to the ER last night and got strep throat confirmed. The Doctor gave me a stronger, double the dose medication, and said I should be felling better really soon. He also had to give me a dose of steroids because the swelling in my throat was so bad it was obstructing my breathing. I didn't realize how right he was until it worked! I was able to sleep laying down....what a big relief for this girl, who is totally freaked out to sleep sitting up. (Another story for another time)
I was finally able to sleep a decent stretch of time and woke up feeling a lot better! Although my throat is still hurting, I can breath, move my neck with only a bit of stiffness, and that horrible head ache is dulling. I got some house work done before feeling exhausted, and now I think I will just rest for the afternoon.

Today a wonderful, dear friend blessed me by running out in the cold with her children and filling my prescription for me. I was unable to do it in the middle of the night, and she took time out of her ever so busy day to help me. I very much appreciated it. Thank you for showing such love to me dear friend. Your willingness to help me brings tears to my eyes. (Yes, literally)

Ok so the funny part; the Doctor was in a huge hurry, and as he was trying to bolt out the door I stopped him. I asked him when it was ok for me to return to my high impact work out. You should have seen the look of shock on his face. It. Was. Great. :) I don't think to many fat sick women ask about returning to working out. He kind of stuttered about taking it slow, but being able to get back to it soonish. When I really pressed him, he said don't start until next week. Then he told me to do a low impact work out for a few days, and if I feel well enough and am not getting worn out then I can move up.
Seriously?? Who doesn't get worn out?
I have been doing Jillian's (Biggest Looser) 30Day Shred and wow does she kick your butt! I have a love/hate relationship with that work out. I was almost ready to move up to the next level, in fact that would have been today. Now I am thinking I will have to start all over :(
I do get really concerned that I will have a hard time being motivated to start over. I am the kind of person who has to do all or nothing, this start and stop thing is just not working for me. This will be the third time I will have to start her work out! I just want to get through it all once. Gesh is that to much to ask?? I guess I will do what I have to do in order to take care of my body.
If I trust my scale (which I really don't) then I have lost 4 pounds this week. Most of it in the last two days. I am hoping to keep it off, and continue the loss. I know that in order to do that I will have to keep my calories lower then I was (since I have hardly eaten while sick) and bring on the work outs. A good balance should do it! Since I can't work out hard right away I am going to start Monday with some yoga work outs. I have wanted to add that to my day anyway so now is a good time to start. I have also been looking into green smoothies and my goal (if it doesn't get to expensive) is to have one for breakfast every morning. That should help my body a so many ways. ;)

Well, that's a long enough update. I think I am going to lay down a while.


Cindy said...

Oh my goodness...bless your heart! I am so sorry you're so sick! Really,'ve got to take it easy getting back to working out, or you will relapse.


Amber Stoneburner said...

Thanks Cindy. I really am starting to feel better. They gave me some pretty good meds. I still can't swallow with out pain but I can tell I'm getting some energy back in little amounts :)
I am taking it slow though. My messy house will prove that!!! Last night I thought about returning to Jillian on Mon instead of low impact, and then I realized how stupid that sounded!!
I'm really good at running myself down, and this is the year I really feel pressed to take care of myself. So that's what I am going to do!
Thanks for the love girl! (((Hugs))) back at ya!