
Friday, January 8, 2010

Intentional Living 2010

God has been speaking to me about living intentionally through out this year. I started out thinking about new year resolutions, and began to realize that they never work because of my mind set. Because I am trying to do them on my own. So then I started thinking about time, and God, and if he has a plan for each year. The more I prayed the more He showed me that God has intentions for my life, for my time, and for each year. This was affirmed through scripture, and also through several people in our church....and they don't even know it!

So then I started praying about what God's intentions for my year would be. I didn't want to make resolutions this year, I wanted to commit to God's intentions! There are several smaller personal goals, family goals, and marriage goals that I want to see brought about. Then there were two BIG things that God showed me needed to change.

So I have spent time over the last few weeks praying, and writing out the changes God wants to make in my life. I say God wants to make these changes because there is no way in my humanness that I could do it myself.

I thought I would share these two things here with you. I spent some time today crafting these lists onto beautiful paper to hang in my home where I can be reminded of them often.

So, the first thing God intends for my next year is :

Intentional Health
I mean come on, how often are we intentionally caring for our body? The biggest thing that God showed me~changing my whole perspective on the loose weight resolution, which is so easy to break~is that with out a healthy body, I am hindering what God could be doing through me! If I were healthy, not tired, not weak, ect....God could use me so much more! I know that our body is God's temple, but telling me that always caused me frustration...on the other hand, if you tell me that by not taking care of my body I am not available to all God could have me doing....that is a scary thought.

Intentional Health for me means

  • Work out Daily (videos, yoga, walking,ect)
  • Eat only whole foods: nothing processed or fake
  • Keep sugar out (or at least very minimal!)
  • Limit food intake, sticking with food plans made for my body (For those of you who don't know, I have had a lot of health problems in my life. As a result of that I am supposed to be following food plans set up by the hard!)
I also included a verse when I posted this in my home:

Psalm 119:37
Turn away my eyes from beholding vanity (idols and idolatry); and restore me to vigorous life and health in Your ways

The second thing God is showing me to keep intentional for 2010 is my walk with Him
These are the things God gave me to live out intentionally in my walk with Him. All the things God is prompting me to do I should have been doing daily as a christian anyway. They are basic things, and I could make excuses but I won't. I will say that writing them out today and searching for verses to go with each thing was a challenge in itself, and I am hoping that will help me stay focused.
This is what I wrote;

Keep me abiding that I may bear fruit. John 15:4-7 Look it up! ;)

  • Get in the Word Psalm 119:50 This is my comfort and consolation in my affliction: that your word has revived me and given me life!
  • Memorize the Word Psalm 119:11 Your word I have laid up in my heart that I might not sin against You.
  • Prayer and Thanksgiving (This should be obvious~Pray and Be thankful!) Colossians 4:2 Be earnest and unwearied and steadfast in your prayer life, being both alert and intent in your praying with thanksgiving. (Amp. Bible) Pray diligently. Stay alert, with your eyes wide open in gratitude. (Mes. Bible)
  • Leading Lily to God Deuteronomy 11:19 Teach them (My words) to your children. Talk about them where ever you are, sitting at home, or walking in the street: Talk about them from the time you get up until you go to bed. (I took the Message, and Amplified and paraphrased to fit on my paper)
So there is a little bit of what God has been prompting me toward.

What is God asking of you this year??

1 comment:

- A - said...

When you said you want to focus on God's intentions rather than your own resolutions, you said it all. Thank you for inspiring me to ask "What would you like to do in and through me this year, God?"

This is something I'm committed to praying about. I'll keep you in my prayers, also. Keep me posted and let me know how you're doing, or if you just need to vent any frustrations!